I'm been tagged...Thanks a lot Kristin! After spending days thinking about my quirks I've decided that I'm truly weird and that I have issues with my bedtime ritual and sleeping...
1- Before I go to bed my hair has to be on top of my head in a ponytail; I have to have chapstick on and my bladder has to be completely empty. If I even lay in bed for 5 minutes and don't fall asleep I have to get back up and go to the bathroom. Yes those nights suck that I toss and turn for hours.
2- I rotate my pillow nightly because I always have to sleep on the clean side of the pillowcase.
3- When Peter and I travel together (if ever) we always sleep on the opposite side of the bed than we normally do at home. It was never discussed we always just switched sides. Weird....
4-I have a thing for public restrooms...I will not touch any part of the toliet and I won't let Madison either. Maybe that's why potty training has been so hard....
5-I have to have shoes on at all times in hotel rooms.....even right out of the shower. My bare feet or socked feet CANNOT touch the floor.
6-When I get out of the shower I have to put on something that has just been washed. Even if I try a shirt or pants on for thirty seconds and decide not to wear them they are dirty. They can be worn after work but not right out of the shower.
7-I ask "Why" about everything. This drives people nuts...but I'm inquisitive what can I say?
I could go on and on...but this is plenty. So I tag: Jordyn S, Karen H, and Alison Henrie. Have fun ladies!