Sunday, June 29, 2008

This weekend

Since it was 90 today and the world comes to a stop when it's so "HOT" up here we decided to go down to the park after dinner. Madison loved to see the little duckies and geese. Luckily she didn't get bit after she ran after them. The playground was a let down-but everything can't be perfect.

Grandma & Madison...she loves to hold hands

Peter didn't realize that once he was up-he had to come down :)

My cute family!

Last Weekend

So last weekend we enjoyed our first really warm day in Canada. It was probably about 80- so we soaked it up. Madison played in the pool & I brushed Ralph. My dog is so weird as you can see....he LOVES to be brushed. I'm glad we enjoyed the day because the next day it was 50 and we had the fire on.

Don't I look beautiful???

Sunday, June 15, 2008

No brothers or sisters?!?!?!

Madison was asked the other night by Peter "do you want a new brother?" "No." was her reply. "Well do you want a sister?" "Nope I just want a cousin."

I guess we are off the hook....

Sunday, June 8, 2008

TAGGED?!?!?!?- 7 Quirks

I'm been tagged...Thanks a lot Kristin! After spending days thinking about my quirks I've decided that I'm truly weird and that I have issues with my bedtime ritual and sleeping...
1- Before I go to bed my hair has to be on top of my head in a ponytail; I have to have chapstick on and my bladder has to be completely empty. If I even lay in bed for 5 minutes and don't fall asleep I have to get back up and go to the bathroom. Yes those nights suck that I toss and turn for hours.

2- I rotate my pillow nightly because I always have to sleep on the clean side of the pillowcase.

3- When Peter and I travel together (if ever) we always sleep on the opposite side of the bed than we normally do at home. It was never discussed we always just switched sides. Weird....

4-I have a thing for public restrooms...I will not touch any part of the toliet and I won't let Madison either. Maybe that's why potty training has been so hard....

5-I have to have shoes on at all times in hotel rooms.....even right out of the shower. My bare feet or socked feet CANNOT touch the floor.

6-When I get out of the shower I have to put on something that has just been washed. Even if I try a shirt or pants on for thirty seconds and decide not to wear them they are dirty. They can be worn after work but not right out of the shower.

7-I ask "Why" about everything. This drives people nuts...but I'm inquisitive what can I say?

I could go on and on...but this is plenty. So I tag: Jordyn S, Karen H, and Alison Henrie. Have fun ladies!