Before the program the kids were able to sit with their families and have story time. This was so cute...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Preschool Program
Today was Madison's Christmas program at school. She did such a wonderful job. I was so impressed with their teacher, Ms. Steed, who taught 4 year olds 5 different Christmas songs--one of which was "Feliz Navidad". Luckily I videoed the event because as you'll see my husband wasn't a very good picture taker!

Before the program the kids were able to sit with their families and have story time. This was so cute...
Before the program the kids were able to sit with their families and have story time. This was so cute...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
OK so someone can nominate me for the worst mother of the year, but I have never put up a Christmas tree in the 4 years that Madison has been on this earth. No I'm not Scrooge, but we are either in Utah or at my in-laws, so what is the point of going to all that work for nothing? This year however when we were down in Utah for Thanksgiving and my mom got out her tree Madison begged my mom to buy me a tree so she could decorate one. Put away the's not like I don't let her celebrate Christmas. When we got home and I told my mother-in-law what Madison said she went right out with Madison and bought her her very own tree of which they put up and decorated in Madison's room(I guess since I didn't help I don't get to enjoy the tree).

Then today when we got home there was another little tree that "santa" had snuck in and put up in her room and it was complete with snow. Madison is s so lucky to have such a great Grandma and I know that she will remember this for years and years. Thank you Claudia! Now everyone can now lay off the guilt trip because Madison has not 1 but 2 trees!
Then today when we got home there was another little tree that "santa" had snuck in and put up in her room and it was complete with snow. Madison is s so lucky to have such a great Grandma and I know that she will remember this for years and years. Thank you Claudia! Now everyone can now lay off the guilt trip because Madison has not 1 but 2 trees!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I got back from Utah a few days ago and it was such a bittersweet trip! I was able to spend some quality time with my Grandma who isn't doing so well and isn't expected to make it to Christmas. Knowing that was the last time I would most like say goodbye to her alive was really tough. My Grandma is such a sweet lady and you never realize how much someone influences your life until you are looking back on all the memories over the years. She has been such a wonderful example in my life and I will sorely miss her!

On a good note...I had an awesome time with the family on Thanksgiving! Good food, family and football- what more could you ask for?

Kinsi, Brinley and Madison
Madison went to her first Jazz game with my dad and instead of getting great pictures of her at the dad couldn't figure out how to work the camera so I had to take one of her after in her new Jazz Jersey.

Cousin Dylan looks thrilled doesn't he?
To top the trip off we took pictures of all the grandkids with Grandma and boy was that FUN! Enjoy mom because I refuse to participate again until all the kids are over the age of 18!
On a good note...I had an awesome time with the family on Thanksgiving! Good food, family and football- what more could you ask for?
Kinsi, Brinley and Madison
Madison went to her first Jazz game with my dad and instead of getting great pictures of her at the dad couldn't figure out how to work the camera so I had to take one of her after in her new Jazz Jersey.
Cousin Dylan looks thrilled doesn't he?
To top the trip off we took pictures of all the grandkids with Grandma and boy was that FUN! Enjoy mom because I refuse to participate again until all the kids are over the age of 18!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Family Pictures
We went and took family pictures (my husaband's whole family)a few Sunday's ago. It turned out to be beautiful weather and for Canada in October it was a miracle it wasn't snowing!! My mother-in-law hired a wonderful photographer who had the best ideas! These are just a few snapshots that I took, so I can't wait to see the actual pictures.
They look so much like brothers!

Madison is so photogenic!
They look so much like brothers!
Madison is so photogenic!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Is it almost over?!?!
For those of you that know me well know that I HATE Halloween. I've been lucky the last few years because Madison hasn't been interested...but this year with her being in school and having a Halloween party I had to dress her up. Luckily Grandma got her a mermaid costume in Utah last time she was there. It was a small, but Madison will be able to wear this costume for the next 3 years or so - so handy little me (NOT) had to come up with a concoction that would suffice so that Madison could walk. Yes it looks like I stuffed her a bit here and there but that is just access costume I pinned up.

Madison showing her costume to the class. Her teacher, Ms. Steed is dressed as a princess and looks beautiful!

Madison's preschool class
Madison showing her costume to the class. Her teacher, Ms. Steed is dressed as a princess and looks beautiful!
Madison's preschool class
Monday, October 27, 2008
Better Late Than Never
OK so I was tagged the first week of October and I'm just getting around to it....Sorry Jo.
8 favorite t.v. shows
1: House
2: The Office
3: Without a Trace
4: Monday Night Football
5: Saturday College Football
6: Law & Order
7: Law & Order: SVU
8: Hockey games
8 favorite restaurants (of course NONE of them are in Canada!)
1: Bajio
2: Su Casa
3: Rumbi
4: California Pizza Kitchen
5: Los Hermanos
6: Quizno's (til they got rid of my favorite sandwich)
7: Maverick Ice Cream!!
8: Pizza Factory
8 things that happened yesterday (that's hard because it was a Sunday)
1: Went to Church
2: Had a fire alarm during Sacrament Meeting (and it was only 20 degrees outside!!)
3: Played DS
4: Took a nap
5: made bread, beans and a birthday cake for Joanna
6: Went over to Don & Claudia's for dinner
7: Had our Home Teachers over
8: Watched Football
8 things to look forward to
1: Coming to Utah for Thanksgiving!!!
2: Somewhat warmer weather
3: BYU/Utah game
4: Christmas
5: Hopefully going somewhere cool for a BYU bowl game (keep your fingers crossed)
6: Summer
7: Noon tomorrow for my diet coke
8: Eating my daily bowl of ice cream
8 things i love about fall
2: Crisp evenings
3: The fall smell
4: Thanksgiving Dinner (and I get 2 :)
5: Pumpkin smell and pumpkin pie
6: Season Premieres
7: Did I mention Football???
8: Start of hockey season
8 things on my wishlist
1: go to Rome
2: Go to Jerusalem
3: Move somewhere warm
4: to be happy
5: make a difference in someone's life
6: Happiness for my friends and family
8 people I tag??? Do I know 8 people? I guess everyone who is on my blogging list and anyone else who would like to participate.
8 favorite t.v. shows
1: House
2: The Office
3: Without a Trace
4: Monday Night Football
5: Saturday College Football
6: Law & Order
7: Law & Order: SVU
8: Hockey games
8 favorite restaurants (of course NONE of them are in Canada!)
1: Bajio
2: Su Casa
3: Rumbi
4: California Pizza Kitchen
5: Los Hermanos
6: Quizno's (til they got rid of my favorite sandwich)
7: Maverick Ice Cream!!
8: Pizza Factory
8 things that happened yesterday (that's hard because it was a Sunday)
1: Went to Church
2: Had a fire alarm during Sacrament Meeting (and it was only 20 degrees outside!!)
3: Played DS
4: Took a nap
5: made bread, beans and a birthday cake for Joanna
6: Went over to Don & Claudia's for dinner
7: Had our Home Teachers over
8: Watched Football
8 things to look forward to
1: Coming to Utah for Thanksgiving!!!
2: Somewhat warmer weather
3: BYU/Utah game
4: Christmas
5: Hopefully going somewhere cool for a BYU bowl game (keep your fingers crossed)
6: Summer
7: Noon tomorrow for my diet coke
8: Eating my daily bowl of ice cream
8 things i love about fall
2: Crisp evenings
3: The fall smell
4: Thanksgiving Dinner (and I get 2 :)
5: Pumpkin smell and pumpkin pie
6: Season Premieres
7: Did I mention Football???
8: Start of hockey season
8 things on my wishlist
1: go to Rome
2: Go to Jerusalem
3: Move somewhere warm
4: to be happy
5: make a difference in someone's life
6: Happiness for my friends and family
8 people I tag??? Do I know 8 people? I guess everyone who is on my blogging list and anyone else who would like to participate.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Doubly Blessed
So not only is today Canadian Thanksgiving of which I have much to be grateful for...but the thing I am most grateful for is celebrating her 4th birthday! Happy Birthday Madison Rose! I can't believe how quickly time flies. We had Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday-so today we did a little shopping, had her favorite waffles for dinner and then we had chocolate cake with white frosting and sprinkles on top.

Madison licking the beaters after we made her birthday cake

Opening High School Musical 1 (I am SOOOO excited to have another HSM so I don't have to watch HSM 2 over and over-- day in and day out!)
She also received her very own DS from Grandma (thanks Grandma), lots of clothes, cool books (thanks Uncle Al & Aunt Cindy), paint that can be used on windows but is "supposed to wash off with a paper towel" (THANKSSSS Uncle Jon!) and of course Sharpay from HSM that sings. We love you baby girl!
Madison licking the beaters after we made her birthday cake
Opening High School Musical 1 (I am SOOOO excited to have another HSM so I don't have to watch HSM 2 over and over-- day in and day out!)
She also received her very own DS from Grandma (thanks Grandma), lots of clothes, cool books (thanks Uncle Al & Aunt Cindy), paint that can be used on windows but is "supposed to wash off with a paper towel" (THANKSSSS Uncle Jon!) and of course Sharpay from HSM that sings. We love you baby girl!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
New Shoes!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Amazing Race
I work for 2 AWESOME companies....granted I'm prejudice with one, but I couldn't ask for better employers.
Every year ComFree has an amazing race as a team building event for all the employees. The first year we went to Banff for a weekend. Last year we went to Golden, British Columbia and this year we went around Edmonton and ended up at Pigeon Lake. What a fun time! My team came in 2nd AGAIN for the 2nd year in a row. One of these days we will get it right.
My Awesome team!
Every year ComFree has an amazing race as a team building event for all the employees. The first year we went to Banff for a weekend. Last year we went to Golden, British Columbia and this year we went around Edmonton and ended up at Pigeon Lake. What a fun time! My team came in 2nd AGAIN for the 2nd year in a row. One of these days we will get it right.
My Awesome team!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
1st day of Preschool
I thought the first day of preschool would be really hard, but I think Peter had a harder time with it than I did. I'm so excited for her to learn and grow-but Peter insists she is still a baby. I can't wait to see what he does when her 1st date picks her up. Madison started preschool Monday at the same elementary Peter went to school. It was really strange for him to see that not too much has changed since he was there...

(Yes she has on a coat and long pants..she would have on boots but I haven't dug them out of the winter box yet)

(Yes she has on a coat and long pants..she would have on boots but I haven't dug them out of the winter box yet)
Pics from Utah
I'm awful! Things have been really crazy and I admit I've been a bit lazy. Madison and I were so lucky to go down to Utah in July and see the newest edition to Brittany's family. Brinley is so cute and I'm still awaiting pics from Brittany! Here are some pictures of our trip.

Madison was so brave and LOVED swimming at Grandpa Henrie's pool.

Madison with her cousins...Dylan, Dade and Dayson
I'm not sure how I was talked into the following pictures happening but I little girl got her 1st "real" haircut-not just a trim, but a good 4-5 inches taken off. I couldn't watch...

Here is where I have to leave

Doesn't she look so grown up?? She's only 3!You did a good job though Aunt Jo.
Madison was so brave and LOVED swimming at Grandpa Henrie's pool.
Madison with her cousins...Dylan, Dade and Dayson
I'm not sure how I was talked into the following pictures happening but I little girl got her 1st "real" haircut-not just a trim, but a good 4-5 inches taken off. I couldn't watch...
Here is where I have to leave
Doesn't she look so grown up?? She's only 3!You did a good job though Aunt Jo.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I love to see the Temple...
I've been so bad at this lately-but I had a blast in Utah and will post some pictures within a few days. But I wanted to post Madison's latest saying because it is so cute and I don't want to forget. She LOVES to sing and her new favorite song is "I Love to see the Temple"...and the words she sings along is "For the Temple is a house of God, a place for sleeping beauty. I'll prepare myself while I am young this is my secret duty." I Love this little girl!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Way to go Dad!!!
SLC firm in top 25 companies to work for
The Salt Lake Tribune
Article Last Updated: 07/14/2008 11:34:26 PM MDT
R&R Partners has been recognized by the Society for Human Resource Management as one of best small companies to work for in America.
The Salt Lake City firm was among 25 companies receiving the award during the society's 60th Annual Conference and Exposition in Chicago.
R&R Partners, with its 21 employees, is the creative team behind advertising campaigns for Intermountain Healthcare, Utah Transit Authority and Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
Employees have been guided by their motto "Git'er done!" signifying working hard, playing hard and taking care of one another, company officials said.
For example, when an employee was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, she received 60 percent of her salary through long-term disability insurance. Co-workers then contributed a portion of their pay to make up the difference.
- Dawn House
The Salt Lake Tribune
Article Last Updated: 07/14/2008 11:34:26 PM MDT
R&R Partners has been recognized by the Society for Human Resource Management as one of best small companies to work for in America.
The Salt Lake City firm was among 25 companies receiving the award during the society's 60th Annual Conference and Exposition in Chicago.
R&R Partners, with its 21 employees, is the creative team behind advertising campaigns for Intermountain Healthcare, Utah Transit Authority and Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
Employees have been guided by their motto "Git'er done!" signifying working hard, playing hard and taking care of one another, company officials said.
For example, when an employee was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, she received 60 percent of her salary through long-term disability insurance. Co-workers then contributed a portion of their pay to make up the difference.
- Dawn House
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Day from Hell!
Today has not been my day...but instead of just going to bed like I wanted too I had to continue my motherly duties. So around 6:30 I went downstairs to cook some dinner for Madison and I. I turned on the oven and was attempting to get a pot out of the drawer when my oven door exploded...

Not knowing exactly what to do I sat on the stairs to console Madison (even though it was me who wanted to scream and cry). Luckly I didn't start cleaning it up immediately because this piece

soon fell out and I would've been on the floor underneath it when it turned into this....
I'm so lucky to have had a brother-in-law in town to help me break the rest of the glass out and get it cleaned up. Thanks Alister!
Not knowing exactly what to do I sat on the stairs to console Madison (even though it was me who wanted to scream and cry). Luckly I didn't start cleaning it up immediately because this piece
soon fell out and I would've been on the floor underneath it when it turned into this....
I'm so lucky to have had a brother-in-law in town to help me break the rest of the glass out and get it cleaned up. Thanks Alister!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
O Canada
To celebrate Canada Day we had a wonderful family day. We started out having breakfast over at Don & Claudia's with eggs, bacon, baked French toast, pancakes, fruit and hashbrowns. It was the perfect fuel for our trip to Fort Edmonton Park. The weather was perfect (around 75) and it was so much fun to show Madison what it was like in the late 1800's early 1900's. However, I think the petting zoo was her favorite.

Eating Canada Day Cake

Madison learning how to wash socks back in the day. Alls I can say is thank heavens for washing machines!

Check out this bunny that only has 1 ear.

I felt like we were spying on something we shouldn't be, but Madison insisted on seeing where the horsies live.
Eating Canada Day Cake
Madison learning how to wash socks back in the day. Alls I can say is thank heavens for washing machines!
Check out this bunny that only has 1 ear.
I felt like we were spying on something we shouldn't be, but Madison insisted on seeing where the horsies live.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
This weekend
Since it was 90 today and the world comes to a stop when it's so "HOT" up here we decided to go down to the park after dinner. Madison loved to see the little duckies and geese. Luckily she didn't get bit after she ran after them. The playground was a let down-but everything can't be perfect.

Grandma & Madison...she loves to hold hands

Peter didn't realize that once he was up-he had to come down :)

My cute family!
Grandma & Madison...she loves to hold hands
Peter didn't realize that once he was up-he had to come down :)
My cute family!
Last Weekend
So last weekend we enjoyed our first really warm day in Canada. It was probably about 80- so we soaked it up. Madison played in the pool & I brushed Ralph. My dog is so weird as you can see....he LOVES to be brushed. I'm glad we enjoyed the day because the next day it was 50 and we had the fire on.

Don't I look beautiful???
Don't I look beautiful???
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