We went and took family pictures (my husaband's whole family)a few Sunday's ago. It turned out to be beautiful weather and for Canada in October it was a miracle it wasn't snowing!! My mother-in-law hired a wonderful photographer who had the best ideas! These are just a few snapshots that I took, so I can't wait to see the actual pictures. They look so much like brothers!
Kins: Hey I hope we get to see you and Madison when you come to Utah. Are you up to playing games one night or we could go to Twilight cause I have heard you are a big fan of the books...lol Debbie
Cute Pictures! I better get a good Christmas card!
Kins: Hey I hope we get to see you and Madison when you come to Utah. Are you up to playing games one night or we could go to Twilight cause I have heard you are a big fan of the books...lol
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