Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Delight

Funny story...Madison learned a new song in Primary yesterday about Jesus being baptized. Well when we got home from Church and finished lunch Madison went outside on the back deck to play. All of a sudden I hear her singing "Jesus came to John the Batptist, in Judea long ago. And was baptized-by immersion in the river Jordan's flow" at the TOP of her lungs. Now this wouldn't have been so embarassing, but my neighbor was out sunbathing and trying to enjoy a peaceful, Sunday afternoon. Now once thru the song would've been fine, but Madison sang it over and over and over again for 20 minutes. Yes I should've stopped her, but it was cute and I figured that she was being a little missionary. Now to top it all off...this is what she was wearing....

I love my little girl!!


jaybay said...

OMG That is so hilarious!!! She is is so stinkin cute!

Anonymous said...

She is adorable. The outfit is classic!!

buddhenrie said...

That is a crack up. She is such a little entertainer.